Friday, 28 December 2012

Prelim thriller video Evaluation
For our prelim video we worked in a group of 3 and each person was assigned a role. I (Louise Belcher) was acting in the video, filmed by Beth Blake, directed by Olivia Campbell and we all contributed towards the editing as none of us had previous experience in using the program and editing the film. Therefore working together was easier as all of us developed new skills by using the software for future use.
We kept the plot relatively simple to enable us to focus on getting a lot of different types of shots and also it was our first proper video (as no-one had much previous experience)  so we wanted to concentrate on getting used to the equipment. We decided to keep the setting at school as it fitted our plot and also as a school is quite an ordinary place it adds tension to the film as it shows bad, scary things can happen in ordinary places the audience are likely to spend time in. Our plot was about an argument between a pupil and teacher leading to the pupil becoming angry and unstable. A year 11 pupil called Aaron Mace agreed to play the main pupil. The main section of our film is a long shot of Aaron walking slowly down a plain, school corridor.  During this flashbacks of the argument are shown and the film ends with Aaron walking into the classroom, where it is understood the teacher is, with a psychotic look on his face. 
We used an initial storyboard, however as we began filming and editing we changed some initial ideas and the plot order. Another problem that lead to change in plot due to time constraints was the equipment, some of the laptops used for editing were faulty which meant we were not able to start editing as quickly as we had planned also at some points laptops were in short supply which meant timing was difficult. Another issue was towards the end of editing the other two members of my group quit media which meant less people to finish it. However I think overall, for our first video we did a relatively good job, as it showed we have a good understanding of the thriller genre. However it has shown things to improve on for our next big thriller opening. I learnt that although we had a lot of footage, we need more to ensure there is plenty of decent content and choice for editing. Also to make sure we try and get the filming done well in the quickest amount of time possible so we leave plenty of contingency time for problems with technology and equipment. I would also use music and sound effects as our prelim contained none because we lost some effects we had already recorded, and lack of time prevented us filming any more. I think the use of sound effects would be good as they would add to the suspense to the film. However I think for our first film it was good as it showed some good shots and understanding of what adds suspense to a thriller.