
This is a brief script of a general idea for our thriller opening 'Vendetta D'amour

Vendetta D’amore

Scene 1 -Small bar

The film begins by revealing two men- ‘Costly Don’ (Tony Costello) and ‘Mad Hatter’ (Frank Gambino), dressed in clothes of the period. They are sitting around a small, dimly lit card table. Two scantily dressed (of the period) women are flirting with the men- seductively stroking the men’s shoulders. There is little furniture in the smallish room, despite this the setting seems like a comfortable, well-known place to the gang. The room is quite brightly lit and the atmosphere initially seems relaxed and friendly.

Establishing shot: Gang talking and playing poker

Cut to:

Opening credits

Close up: Medium shot of couples in the group laughing

Cut to:

Opening credits

Panning shot: Gang sitting down laughing

Cut to:

Film title credit

Cut to:

Medium shot: Flapper pouring drinks

Scene 2- Bathroom

Over the shoulder medium shot:

Assassin looking into bathroom mirror dressed in dark, mysterious clothing of the period. She picks up a gun and looks at it.

Extreme close-up: Of her holding the gun

Close-up: Places the gun on the side

Medium shot: She puts her red lipstick on and ties up her hair

Scene 3- At the bar

Montage-tense music:

Flapper serves drinks

Scene 4- Assassin walking to the house

Cut to:

Establishing shot: Evening, outside street lamp

Cut to:

 Tracking shot: Assassin walking down the side of the house inside.

Cut to:

Close-up: Costello’s face

Cut to:

Assassin walking down the street

Cut to:

Gangsters continue to play poker

Cut to:

Close-up of assassins face

Scene 4- flashback of bedroom:

Costello is lying down with one of the flappers, flirting.

The Assassin enters, looks angry and exits hastily.

Scene 5- Bar

Long shot: Assassin walking through the door, towards the camera


I thought you loved me.

Close-up: Gun in assassin’s hand


Vendetta D’amore

Gun shot fires and the screen goes black.

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